Thursday, March 13, 2008

Homework for 3/20

Finish Reading Sky Burial. Begin to create study guide for test on Sky Burial. (Take-home over break due April 10th) Study guide should include description of all major characters and chapter guide. Create a brief summary of all chapters, with page number references to events and/or passages you think are significant. (Study guides will be turned in with your test) Create two questions for class discussion. Questions can be any combination of text-reader-world knowledge.

Begin Chapter 3 in Reading Versatility. Do exercises A-1,A-2,B-1,-B-2
Continue to work on passage to college reading.

Next week is the last class before break. Chapter 3 HW, test and test for Sky Burial will be given out all due April 10th. If for some reason you miss class be sure to contact me to get the take-home tests.

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