Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Homework Due April 10th

Remember there is no class, March 27th or April 3rd.
There is class March 20th this week! I will be giving out the test for chapter 3 and Sky Burial
For April 10th, please do the following.
Finish Chapter 3;
Do C-1, C-2, C-3;
Read p. 121-126 do all question p.124- to top of p.126.

As part of the test on Chapter 3 (50 points)
Do the following assignment: Using one of the search engines in Chapter 3 or using http://www.lii.org/ find a website about Tibet. Tips: use words in the search engine like: Tibet history; Tibet conflict with China; Tibet culture; Tibet religion; Tibet nomadic tribes; or anything you are particularly interested in that was brought up in the book, Sky Burial.
Describe how you found the website,
then evaluate the website using the 3 factors described in the textbook.
Would you recommend the website, why or why not?
Please post your evaluation as a comment on this blog under the entry "Websites on Tibet. "
When you try to post you will be asked to create and accounnt on blogger; so please go ahead and create an acount if you do not already have one. Then post your information about the website you found with a url to it. If you are unable to get a blogger account, then you may e-mail it to me instead at my e-mail address (sradcliff@ohlone.edu) on the syllabus.

Also please complete the rest of the test on Chapter 3;

(50 points) Read p. 126-128. Answer all comprehension and vocabulary questions: p. 128-130. Turn in on separate piece of paper.

and the test on Sky Burial
(handed out in class)